Ana Baciero (a,b,c), Manuel Perea (b,c) y Pablo Gomez (a,b)
(a) Dept. of Psychology, DePaul University, EEUU
(b) Dept. de Metodología, Universitat de València, España
(c) Centro de Ciencia Cognitiva, Universidad de Nebrija, España
Reading, while usually done through vision, can also be done through touch using the braille system. Research on the differences between these two modalities is needed to distinguish between modality-dependent and modality-independent processes. This has theoretical implications regarding the improvement of our understanding of reading in general, and also practical implications: it may be useful to develop tools and strategies to better teach and learn braille, an essential skill to navigate the world for those visually impaired. Here, we describe two recent papers showing both similarities and differences between these two modalities.